The California Traffic Net
Since 1957

RGM Training
QNI Newsletter
Member Portal
Net History
File Download
Band Conditions
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Thanks to the following stations that donated
to keep this Website Active!!!


2023 - 2024

Dave - N6CO

2021 - 2022

Ed - KD6NU

2018 - 2019

Ray - W6RAR & Stuart - K6MQA

2017 - 2018

Chuck - KK6FDJ

2015 - 2016

Ron - W6KJ (SK)

2014 - 2015

Eric - KU6J (SK)

2013 - 2014

Bill - W6WEM, Ron - W6KJ, Paul - WA6IAF

2011 - 2013

Sam - WS6P & Kathy - KI6OBE

?????  - 2011

Dar - W6IO


Please help keep this Web Site going! All donations are welcomed. Contact the CTN.


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Last updated: May 14, 2024.